Call for Proposals – EdTechRVA 2017

Our conference has been growing like wild fire over the past few years!  We bring quality presenters from our region together to share their best practices and experiences.  It is a chance to learn and grow. We invite you to submit a proposal to present at EdTechRVA 2017 on March 8, 2017.

The Call for Proposals has been extended to November 18, 2016.

The conference is certain to be of interest to teachers, administrators, library media specialists, and ITRTs from across the central Virginia region!

There are two types of sessions to choose from:

  • Breakout Session (45 minutes) One or more presenters sharing with an audience
  • Ignite Session (5 minutes) A line-up of rapid-fire, high energy presentations designed to  provide multiple ideas for all attendees in one go

Proposal submissions will be given priority when they can demonstrate how instructional technology connects to our theme,REACH Beyond.

R) Real-word:  Create a learning environment that both challenges your students and helps them make real-life connections with content.

E) Entrepreneurship: Inspire students to dream big and create innovative products, develop improved systems, pr provide new services that impact their local and global community.

A) Adaptive: Differentiate instruction with any object, application, or system specifically designed to increase or maintain the capabilities of diverse learners.

C) Creativity: Think “outside the box” to provide innovative learning experiences which give students opportunities to apply their creative thinking to contribute to the world around them using technology.

H) Higher-order Thinking: Encourage your students to stretch their thinking and reach beyond surface level understanding to a deeper level of learning through analyzing, evaluating, and creating with technology.

Click here to submit your proposal.