The purpose of the GRAETC Mini-Grant program is to provide funding that supports the mission:
To positively impact the Greater Richmond Area educational community by providing connected learning opportunities to build capacity around innovative and sound pedagogical use of instructional technology resources.

Awardees will be selected through a blind-review from GRAETC Executive Committee members. The committee will be looking to fund applications that:
- Directly impact teacher or student learning in technology;
- Provide teachers or students new experiences with technology;
- Illustrate creative use for the requested technology; and
- Describes the cost effectiveness of the proposal.
Additionally, it is expected that application funding will provide an exchange of ideas and best practices, promoting opportunities for growth and connected learning for the Greater Richmond Area’s instructional professionals, and advocating for student growth and learning through the effective use of technology.
The selection committee may elect to not make an award if the proposals do not meet the stated criteria. Preference will be given to persons who:
- Have not received prior GRAETC Mini-grant awards;
- From a GRAETC-affiliated division; and
- Are a current Member of GRAETC
Team applications are welcome, however one person must be designated as the Project Leader. The Project Leader must:
- Have taught at the elementary or secondary level for a minimum of two years;
- Must be currently employed as a licensed Virginia teacher;
- Be aware of permission(s) and/or process for district’s approval to submit for grant funding; and
- Complete the online application with a budget spreadsheet.
Here is a preview of the Application questions, to be prepared: Grant Application Preview
It is anticipated that most awards will be made in the range of $250-$500.
All materials will become the property of the school/school system in which the Project Leader is employed at the time the grant is awarded.
Mini-grant funds may be spent for supplies, equipment, or other materials essential to the integration of the innovative and sound pedagogical use of instructional technology. Mini-grant funds are not intended for student or teacher travel (field trips) or for the personal monetary and non-monetary compensation for services.
Upon completion of the grant funded opportunity, the Project Leader is responsible for submitting the following by March 1*:
- A brief summary report to with subject line: GRAETC Grant Coordinator: Mini-Grant Summary Update; and
- Provide a digital artifact from the learning experience (e.g., picture, video short, student product, etc.) to be shared through social media and at EdTechRVA.
Still have questions? Contact your GRAETC Executive Committee Member representative, or email us at with subject line: GRAETC Mini-Grant Inquiry
*Failure to comply will impede further grant funding awarded to your school district